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Finding the beat
Posted by martinkleiner
1/26/2015  1:56:00 PM
I know there are a lot of posts already for those of us that have a hard time hearing the beat, much less counting the beat. Part of the problem is that many people have good suggestions, but without immediate feedback telling us if we are right or wrong, practicing on our own could actually be hindrance rather than a help.

So far the best I have found is a four minute youtube video on www.ihatetodance.com. On this video, the author plays the music while simply moving his hand over numbers from 1 to 8 corresponding to the music. To use this site, I can close my eyes and try to listen for the timing in my head, count out loud and then open my eyes and see if i am correct. Tada! Instant feedback.

I can finally hear the difference between the odd beats (1,3,5,7) and even beats (2,4,6,8). However, I cannot hear the difference between the 1, 3, 5, or 7. I can start on an odd or even beat but only get the one beat 25% of the time (statistically this is correct; 1 out of four chances).

1. Can someone please tell me the name of some songs that have a rhythm with a very, very bold and obvious "ONE"?
2. I know that this is asking a lot, but if someone could repeat the video like the one on the site mentioned above I be very appreciative. Rather than random music though I would like to have two videos each of specific ballroom dance music (foxtrot, waltz, rumba, chacha, etc.)

At least for me, I need the feedback! I cannot wait until I can ask someone to dance without the fear and anxiety of not knowing when to make that first step!

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